
Thursday, October 26, 2006

“Live” from the Folio Show – Taking risks in direct mail and e-mail creative can lead to breakthrough results

In my interactive workshop at the Folio Show on October 24, I described hot acquisition strategies that are working in the marketplace right now.

While the voucher is still the industry workhorse, magazine publishers are successfully tweaking voucher packages when results start flagging. Here are five strategies that are currently working:

* Using a larger, 6 x 11 inch format
* Adding a lift note
* Teaser copy - Reply in 5 days on the envelope
* Teaser copy - DO NOT BEND on the envelope
* Including a freemium in the package

I referenced remarks by John Tighe, vice president for Time Inc. consumer marketing promotions and operations, who told the Direct Marketing Association of Washington’s Bridge Conference this July that Time Inc. had a 64% increase in sales when offers included a free item. “All you need is to drop something in the package such as a magnet or a greeting card and people will feel more loved,” Mr. Tighe said.

Samples that toppled prior controls were passed around, including the U.S. News Gold Award Winner in Circulation Management’s Best Direct Mail Campaign – consumer magazines. The #14 package beat out a long-standing Cable voucher control. Plus, a see-through package for Wooden Boat that performed 9% better than a double postcard control and a full package for Spin to Win that trounced a voucher were also shown.

Winning with e-zines and e-mail blasts, sweeps
I mentioned that Boardroom is using e-zines to turn buyers into multi-buyers and showed attendees samples of Bottom Line Secrets, an e-zine that is sent three times per week. Two issues have editorial content with offers interspersed, while the third issue is all offers.

To close out the online segment, I discussed e-mail blasts such as one from Jane, where readers are invited to subscribe and give a gift subscription for free. According to circulation consultant Nicole Bowman, member-get-a-member strategies like this work really well for niche titles looking to expand their market, because most niche folks know others in the same market. And an aggressive 2-for-1 helps when lists are hard to come by.

“Sweeps are back,” I told the Folio audience, adding that they work best when they are tied to the magazine’s editorial mission. I closed by urging marketers to take risks, try new creative strategies, and test, test, test.

Friday, October 13, 2006

My workshop at the Folio Show

On Tuesday, October 24, 2:45-3:30 I’ll be leading a workshop at the Folio Show (Hilton, NY) on Hot Acquisition Strategies. Here’s the write-up:

In this interactive workshop, you’ll discover which Acquisition Strategies are working in the marketplace right now. Find out how putting a new twist on an old favorite can lift response, in both direct mail and e-mail. See live samples, and share ideas:1. Turn prospects into subscribers with Ezines
2. Tweak your voucher package and boost response
3. Effective strategies for niche markets
4. Sweeps are back!

Come hear the latest and greatest success stories from publishers large and small. Your take-away = lots of ideas you can implement immediately.

***If you are a magazine circulator and your control is atypical in any way – please email me . I’d love to hear your results, receive a copy and present it at my workshop.***

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Right Headline Stops Your Prospect in his Tracks Part 3

There are eight different types of headlines you can use to motivate prospects:

Reason why

Remember that the headline must capture the attention of the prospect, with the benefits to the prospect immediately apparent. The message must do two things: telegraph to your prospect that there’s something in it for him and pull him into the copy.

Let’s look at each one:

How-to – If your prospect wants to accomplish what the headline promises, she’ll read on

News – Tout the benefit of a new product or service

Question – Ask an interesting client-focused question that gets the prospect involved

Command – Tell the prospect why it’s in her best interest to act

Reason why – Present facts that set you up as an expert

Testimonial – Overcome objections and gain credibility by having you clients sell for you

Direct – Announce a sale or limited-time offer

Indirect – provoke curiosity and motivate the prospect to find out more