
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wisdom that applies to any arena

PromoWriting _________________________
SHIRA LINDEN • 203 371-0654 •

I heard Jerry F. Smith, President and CEO of the JF Smith Group share what he learned in 10,000 days of fund-raising. If you’re marketing a product, idea or organization, his wisdom applies:

• There’s money out there. The number of people worldwide with $1+ million in assets passed 10 million for the first time

• Touch your donors (or audience) 5 times a year mixing calls, letters, hand-written notes and cards

• The word need is out. (I was told by a mentor decades ago that need or needs as a noun is an empty word – this applies across the board.) People give or respond to opportunities not needs. Opportunities signify that a donor can make great things happen with their gift. Talk to your prospective donors about investing in the future of your organization.

• 2% of the giving by individuals is online giving. The average gift was $116 in 2007 according to Giving USA. Online giving will grow and you must be ready for this growth

• Make sure to include a handwritten P.S. In your letter. It’s the first thing people read. Tell your donors (customers) thank you, and that they are appreciated.

• Continue to acquire new donors no matter what

• Giving by individuals accounts for ¾ of contributions versus ¼ from corporations, foundations and charitable bequests combined

• The number one reason people give is because they believe in the mission of an organization

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Monday, February 08, 2010

Lift response by connecting direct mail, eMail, text messaging

PromoWriting _________________________
SHIRA LINDEN • 203 371-0654 •

Lift response by connecting direct mail, eMail, text messaging

Introducing a new service that ties your mail, eMail and text messaging together to instantly create an integrated marketing campaign. Announcing eTriggerPro!

Now, you can track your direct mail through the postal system, nail down the exact in-home delivery date and trigger an automated eMail and/or text message to your customers to look in their mailbox “today” for your direct mail package. Result: you can increase your open rate and campaign response rates.

Use eTriggerPro for:
►Renewal, Cross-Sell and Up-Sell Campaigns—Send prospects to online personal URLs, mailboxes or phone lines at the optimal time to receive special offers and incentives.

►Awareness—Messages are sent in “real-time,” so your campaign has greater impact due to
timeliness, increased frequency and more targeted communications.

►Increased Response Rates and Sales—With the smart use of incentives and promotions, you can maximize traffic between mail and eMail to generate higher returns.

Tie-in your entire marketing team to achieve maximum results.
eTriggerPro can also trigger eMails and text messages to alert your sales staff and/or telemarketing team to follow-up with a customer that day. Or you can trigger a series of follow-up emails, text messages and/or marketing efforts timed perfectly to generate additional results after the initial contact.


For a complimentary copy checkup contact Shira at 203 371-0654, via email at, her blog Turbocharged Sell Copy, or her website or


Push response rates even higher…Use clever offers and incentives
With the creative use of offers, incentives and promotions, you can increase response rates even more by rewarding customers who seek out your mail, eMail and text messages.

For example, you can provide personalized codes in each customer’s mail, eMail and/or text messages instructing them to use one or more to qualify for additional savings, discounts, free bonus gifts or even entry into a sweepstakes. You now have customers looking for your marketing across media, truly integrating your campaign.

eTriggerPro is available by subscription or per campaign. Set up a test cell in your next mail campaign, and find out how high eTriggerPro can lift your response rates.

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