
Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Trends in the Non-Profit World

PromoWriting _________________________
SHIRA LINDEN • 203 371-0654 •

Claudine Donikian of Pentera addressed AFP Fairfield County Chapter, telling fundraising professionals that most major donors still have money to give, and to keep communicating with donors and asking for donations. She advised fundraisers to continue their marketing efforts and tweak their message to reflect the current reality.

Donikian mentioned 3 reasons why donors back off:
No longer feel connected
Support other causes
Feel solicited too often

Key Trends
40% of seniors are online, doing product research and Email – this is the fastest growing group online.
Younger and less wealthy people might be great prospects. Many of those earning 40k – 75k with a Bachelor’s degree want to do good. So plant seeds with these younger audiences and build relationships. Emaketing and postcards are the recommended vehicles to reach this group.
Each of us receives 5,980 marketing messages daily, but we only notice 52 and pay attention to 4. Use multichannel marketing to increase the odds your message will get noticed.

Speak to different generations differently
70+ – talk of legacy
Generation X – want lots of information
Boomers – want personal gratification and satisfaction
Silent generation – tradition, honor, sense of we

For planned giving, Pentera finds 3-column newsletters with a serif font using photographs of faces and lots of white space combined with post cards and Email marketing gets results.

Bottom line: Trends in the non-profit world also apply to for-profit marketers. Combine mail and email using specific offers to specific audiences with a call to action.

For sparkling writing that resonates with, motivates and persuades your target audience or custom editorial content, contact Shira at 203 371-0654, via email at, her blog Turbocharged Sell Copy, or her website or

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